New Norm is a prevention tool that helps keep middle-schoolers drug-free.

It’s more than a product. It’s a strategy, incorporating the proven tactics of spot-checks and behavior deterrents. Parents everywhere are aligning with their middle schoolers on New Norm to combat peer pressure so they can stay on track and win these years.

I Want It!

Why New Norm works.

Because testing works. We test for everything. We test for grades, we test to get a driver’s license, we test for COVID. Don’t you think we should test for the area that can potentially ruin your kid’s life? The one area where you can influence without being overbearing?

When you think about it – it’s no different than asking for the password to their phone and then checking it periodically. Both of you think that’s normal. And it keeps them in check! This is simply the new normal when it comes to parenting, prevention and peer pressure.


There are 3 key ingredients to prevention.

Parents and kids now have a proven proactive prevention plan to combat the messages of drug acceptance that is so prevalent today. From movies, to social media, to legalization of pot, to the pressure to fit in, kids and their parents are being sold that drug use is okay. But studies have shown that early use and abuse of drugs and/or alcohol can lead to life long challenges.

After you purchase New Norm and make it a part of your family, three wonderful things happen:

1) By simply placing New Norm in the home, a conversation gets started. Your child begins to open up about what's going on at school and what the other kids are doing, what pressures they're feeling, what they're worried about. New Norm is the catalyst to some great conversation around the family table.

2) New Norm in the home is a deterrent. Full stop. It's no different that adults choosing not to speed when they know there's a radar. They're less likely to try something if they think they'll get in trouble.

3) New Norm gives kids and acceptable way to say no. The reality is, at some point, at some time, somebody is going to try and get your kid to do something. New Norm gives your child a reason to say "I can't, my parents have New Norm and test me, and if I get caught, my mom will tell your mom and we'll both get in trouble." New Norm gives your kid an acceptable way out.

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New Norm is
a relationship builder
being proactive
a conversation starter
a deterrent
a good reason to say “no”
a relationship builder
peace of mind
early prevention
a back-to-school must-have
a way to win this year
the new normal.

Our job is to keep our kids safe

When they were babies, we watched them constantly to make sure they didn’t fall off the couch, or fall down steps, or fall in the pool. We prevented what could have been a tragedy. Now it’s our job to protect them when at some point, at some time, somebody tries to offer them something.

Starting New Norm in middle-school is the key to success. Studies have shown that early use and abuse of drugs and/or alcohol can lead to lifelong challenges. New Norm can help your kid deal with peer pressure in an acceptable way that won’t make them feel awkward, while helping them avoid unwanted behaviour during their precious youth.

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From everything they face

Peer Pressure

An epidemic of mental illness and depression is overtaking our young people. Social media, movies, peer pressure, political dysfunction, it all contributes to a heighten sense of malaise in our youth.

Social Media

With the explosion of social media and targeted marketing, our youth is bombarded with messages and information that leads to unhealthy expectations and self-worth.

Mixed Messages

Kids read the same headlines we do – medical marijuana, legalization of pot, celebrity endorsements. New Norm helps parents get the right messages to their kids so they’re
not getting the wrong ones.


Let’s talk about trust.

As a parent have you ever:

  • Looked at your kid’s computer to see what sites they’re on?
  • Or their report card even though they told you their grades?
  • Have you stayed up to make sure they were home before curfew?
  • Do you ask them where you’re going and who they’re going with and what the other kids are doing?
  • Have you checked with the host of a party your kid is attending to see who will be there?
  • Have you checked to make sure their homework is done, even though they said it was?

Drug abuse is one of the biggest dangers your kid will face. Taking steps to set boundaries, and then confirming those boundaries builds mutual trust.

Build More Trust

Ohhh...you think their behavior is normal?

Think again. Don’t accept that the behavior you’re seeing is okay or normal. Question it. You may not always know what’s going on, but with New Norm, you’ll know what’s
NOT going on.Know the early signs.

I Want To Know

We know.

As the founder of the company, I created New Norm to help other parents avoid what I went through with my son.

This is not the path my wife and planned 45 years ago when we got married. Our oldest son was a star in high school. He was on the basketball team, student government, ran track, and we all went to church. I was a coach and my wife taught at the middle school our son attended.

On a high school retreat, a cheerleader invited my son to hang out and later than evening offered him a joint. That single bad decision, a result of peer pressure to fit in, started a journey we are still on today. We were convinced we’d know if he were into something. But slowly, over time, things changed. He quit basketball (didn’t like the coach). He quit track (too hot to run). His friends changed (that happens in high school). His grades dropped (but he still passed). No single event stood out, nothing seemed ‘unusual’, until years later when we looked back and pieced it all together.

Because of the devastating effect substance abuse had on our family, my wife and I have spent much of our lives focused on helping young families and kids avoid what happened to us. We founded notMYkid (notmykid.org) to help young people. My wife ran the office of Youth, Faith and Family for the State of Arizona. I served on the White House Drug Prevention Committee and learned even more about this problem that’s nationwide in the U.S.

If we had known our son smoked that first joint, I truly believe things would have turned out differently. I have witnessed substance abuse in young people as the most serious threat to their long-term success. The concepts and practices laid out in New Norm, developed with science, experience, and rooted in research, are proven to save thousands of young people and dramatically bend the curve of substance abuse in generations to come.


A prevention plan that works

Join New Norm

Sign up for the New Norm school year program. By starting early with the right tools, you’ll set boundaries that are regularly monitored and build the trust you need with your kids to help them succeed in life. Even by publicly displaying New Norm in your home, risk of teen drug, alcohol and vaping use drops significantly.

Confirm the Trust

You don’t think asking for the password to their phone is weird. They don’t either. That’s because you trust them. You’re just confirming they’re awesome. The mere thought of you seeing their online behavior is enough to keep them in check. Mutual trust that is confirmed gives you the confidence to extend freedoms and privileges, which gives them confirmation that you’re awesome too!

Win the Year

Testing your child in middle school as a prevention tool can help them stay free of the dangers of vaping, drugs and alcohol. As a parent, it’s important to keep your kid drug free as long as you can. That means getting through the years one at a time. Get them through middle school. Then get them through grade 9, grade 10, etc. Win these years and they’ll be winning at life.



“We started New Norm in 7th grade. Best thing we ever did. It was not big deal and it became the new normal in our home. It helps our family, and our kids stay safe.”




“We use New Norm as an incentive. Our kids know we may test them. And when they test clean, they know they get more freedom and privileges. They’re happy, and we’re happy knowing what they’re not doing. It gives us peace of mind and gives them a later curfew.”

-Charlie, Father of Four



“I wish I would have known about New Norm in middle school. If I had known, I would not be dealing with the drug issues I am dealing with now. I feel like I am losing my child.”

-Susan, Parent of a grade 12 student.



“Just had one of the best parent moments ever. My high school daughter told me how using New Norm helped her get through middle and high school without trying anything ‘bad’. She said the peer pressure was intense and without New Norm, things may have not turned out as well as they have. She actually THANKED ME”

-Melanie, 48

Let’s protect this generation together.

Proactive parenting takes courage.
We’re glad you’re here.